I wonder sometimes why its so hard to love and be completely open. That is naturally who I am, but I limit this to certain people. Why is this? This person does not want these people to have the opportunity to hurt them. So, they present this person that shows no emotion and does not care to protect their heart. Masking avoids dealing with the thought of loving these people and opening up. True genuine people seem as if they do not exist anymore. My heart is so golden I think sometimes people see it and mistaken this for stupidity. This woman is lovable but wise, honest and loyal, passionate and hardworking, strong and affectionate. Sometimes it feels as if the love, these genuine people are looking for does not exist. But the faith and the promises God has given helps us keep pressing on. Encouraging us to ”Wait on God”, don’t miss your blessing rushing into the wrong things and relationships. Do what God puts on your heart to do, I promise it will be worth it. Do not let nobody change who you are, be who you are. True people will love and appreciate you for who you are. Lord, we love you, lord we honor you. Save us from the wickedness of these worldly things. Bring us peace, love and happiness. Take the wheel and lay out the way for us to go. Take away our stress and pain, and replace it with love and happiness. Thank you lord for everything you do and more. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
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Virtuous Women Movement
Virtuous woman
A virtuous woman is your “ideal woman”. “Who can find a virtuous woman.. for her price is above rubies”
Proverbs 31
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